During a special meeting of the Rochester CUSD #3a Board of Education held on Wednesday, November 16, 2022, at 5:45 p.m. the Board approved to hire of an architectural firm and construction management firm to design and plan school facilities improvements. BLDD Architects and S.M. Wilson & Co. were the selected firms.
After an open request for qualifications period, the Board’s Building Committee reviewed proposals and selected four architectural firms and three construction management firms to make presentations to the committee. Following presentations, the Board held a Committee of the Whole meeting for final discussions prior to a recommendation and action at the special meeting. Of the selection process, Superintendent Dan Cox stated that “Rochester received several responses from outstanding firms. The Board did their due diligence to consider every aspect of each response to ensure the most qualified firms were selected to meet the needs of our District. We are excited about the opportunities ahead of us to enhance our educational spaces for our students.”
Potential upcoming projects include but are not limited to:
Remodel of the 1950’s “J-Wing” of Rochester High School,
Remodel of Rochester High School Science Labs,
Rochester High School Secure Entrance
Rochester Elementary School (EC-1) Secure Entrance
Upgrades and Redesign of the Outdoor Academic, Extracurricular, and Co-Curricular Facilities at Rochester High School.
Plans are to utilize the revenue generated through the 1% County Schools Facilities Sales Tax to pay for the initial projects.