Good Morning Rochester Intermediate School Students and Staff!
Today is Tuesday, August 22nd, 2023
Please stand for the Pledge:
I pledge allegiance, to the flag, of the United States of America, and to the Republic, for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
And now for a moment of reflection
Happy Birthday
Piper Yocum
Bus Announcements
Bus #3, Bus #4, Bus #5 and Bus #7 are double routes today.
**Students who ride the bus need to make sure to have all of their belongings before leaving the building and getting on the bus. You will not be allowed to re-enter the building.**
Today’s lunch menu includes:
Corn dog
Swiss Burger
Hot Ham & Cheese
Cheese or Pepperoni Pizza
Chicken Patty
Remember, “Rockets RISE Together” by demonstrating:
Important Dates
8/24 - Open House/Parent Information night - 5:30-6:30
8/31- Picture Day at RIS
9/4- No School - Labor Day
Picture Day for Rochester Intermediate School is on Thursday, August 31st. Online ordering is available before and after picture day. Shipping and handling charges may apply for orders placed after picture day.
Order Code: 80121Q
RYAA Fall Volleyball
Children 2nd - 8th grade are welcome to sign up. Registration runs through Sept. 15 but a $20 late fee will be applied after Aug. 31. To be guaranteed a team shirt you must register by Aug. 31. We will also need volunteers to coach. If you are interested in coaching please select the option when registering your child.
Games will be held on Sunday afternoons in the RES 2-3 gym. Practices will begin mid-September with games going through Mid-November.
Visit to sign up. For questions, email
RYAA Fall Soccer
Children ages 3 - 8 are welcome to sign up. Registration runs through Sept. 15 but a $20 late fee will be applied after Aug. 31. To be guaranteed a team shirt you must register by Aug. 31. We will also need volunteers to coach. If you are interested in coaching please select the option when registering your child.
Practices and games will be played on the fields at the north end of Rochester Community Park.
Visit to sign up. For questions, email
Habit 4 - Think Win-Win - Grab some new Rocketwear AND support the RJHS PTO so they can continue supporting our students and staff!
Orders can be placed until August 27. Pick up will be at RJHS on Sept. 11 from 4 - 6.
Transportation Changes
All transportation changes must be submitted to the office no later than 2:00pm. Please call the office at 217-498-6215 or email your changes to Mrs. Howie at or Mrs. Lovett at Any request for transportation changes past 2:00 pm cannot be accepted. Thank you for your cooperation!
Parent Pick-up:
For parent pick-up at the end of the day, we prefer the line system. All parents should remain in their vehicles and follow the pick-up line around and to the front of the building. You may also choose to park in the spots in the parking lot. It is our preference that you use the line system, however if you choose to park, please come to the front of the building and escort your student to the vehicle safely. Under no circumstances should students be walking across the parking lot unescorted. Thank you for your help with this!
Lunch Balances
The low lunch balance alerts have been reactivated for all families. You will get an alert when your lunch balance is below $5.00. If you choose to shut off the alert, you will no longer get any school announcements.