Good Morning Rochester Intermediate School Students and Staff!

Today is Monday, September 11th, 2023

Please stand for the Pledge: 

I pledge allegiance, to the flag, of the United States of America, and to the Republic, for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

And now for a moment of reflection

Happy Birthday             

There are no birthdays today.

Bus Announcements

Bus #7 and  Bus #23  are double routes today.

Starting Today, Monday September 11th, we will move the RIS double riders to the elementary campus to wait there until their bus arrives.

Sixth Grade Swing Choir will meet last hour today (Monday) at 2:40…

Band Lessons are ongoing. All Band members can find their band lesson schedule on Canvas.

Today’s lunch menu includes: 

  1. Chicken Patty Sliders

  2. Pepperoni Pizza Bagel

  3. Chipotle Cheesy Bean Nachos

  4. Cheese or Pepperoni Pizza

  5. Chicken Patty

                               Remember, “Rockets RISE Together” by demonstrating:





Important Dates

9/20 - High School Homecoming Parade- 5:30

11/2 - Picture Retakes


        Monday, 9/18     Tuesday, 9/19      Wednesday, 9/20    Thursday 9/21     Friday 9/22

 Jersey/Team          Wear Neon &          Wear Red, White       Wear Crazy                Wear 

                    Day               Bright Colors                      & Blue                               Hair & Socks       Orange & Blue                    


The Chicken Dinner is going to be Wednesday, September 27th from 4:30-6:30pm with pick up at the EC-1 Building. You won't even have to get out of your car!

Menu: Grilled 1/2 chicken, mashed potatoes with chicken gravy, and southern style green beans. Comes with roll, butter, all utensils and a sweet treat. - $13.00


---> Order Deadline: September 20th by Noon.


The Rochester School District will be hosting Miles of Smiles, Ltd., a mobile dentist program.  Miles of Smiles provides preventative dental services in our school to eligible students in all grades. Services may include a dental exam, cleaning, fluoride, and sealants, where needed, to students who have pre-registered. The medical card and All Kids covers this visit 100%. Services performed are billed to: Medicaid/All Kids, county grantees via the IDPH Dental Sealant Grant Program*, various granting agencies, & private insurance. Miles of Smiles, Ltd. accepts reimbursement status as final payment. Families and schools are never billed for copayments, deductibles, or balances.


This exam does qualify for the required dental exam for K, 2nd, 6th, and 9th grade students due by May 15, 2024.  It also qualifies for next year's dental requirements if you have a current 1st, 5th, or 8th grader. If you are interested in the program, please complete the linked form and return to your school nurse as soon as possible.  A copy of this form can be sent home with your student by request. Please return completed forms by 9/29/2023. Once forms are collected Miles of Smiles will set a date for our visit. Contact your school nurse, see attached handout, or checkout the Miles of Smiles Website for additional information.

RIS PTO Meeting - Tuesday, Sept. 12, 5:30 pm at the RIS cafeteria

Attending PTO meetings and volunteering for PTO projects and events is a great way to support your student at RIS and get to know teachers and school staff! You don’t have to attend every meeting or volunteer for every event. Any help is appreciated! Please mark your calendars and plan to attend!

The Rochester High School Homecoming Parade will be on Wednesday, September 20 at 5:30. This year's theme will be  "USA/American Patriotism". The decorations on your float should NOT contain anything related to a political party!

If you are a sport coach or club sponsor, please make sure somebody from your group signs up for the parade!

Form to complete to sign up:

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact Deena Powell.

Transportation Changes

All transportation changes must be submitted to the office no later than 2:00pm.  Please call the office at 217-498-6215 or email your changes to Mrs. Howie at or Mrs. Lovett at  Any request for transportation changes past 2:00 pm cannot be accepted.  Thank you for your cooperation!

Parent Pick-up:

For parent pick-up at the end of the day, we prefer the line system.  All parents should remain in their vehicles and follow the pick-up line around and to the front of the building.  You may also choose to park in the spots in the parking lot. It is our preference that you use the line system, however if you choose to park, please come to the front of the building and escort your student to the vehicle safely. Under no circumstances should students be walking across the parking lot unescorted.  Thank you for your help with this!

Lunch Balances

The low lunch balance alerts have been reactivated for all families.  You will get an alert when your lunch balance is below $5.00.  If you choose to shut off the alert, you will no longer get any school announcements.