Good Morning Rochester Intermediate School Students and Staff!
Today is Friday, November 3nd, 2023
Today is a HALF DAY. Dismissal is at 11:15 and no lunch will be served.
Please stand for the Pledge:
I pledge allegiance, to the flag, of the United States of America, and to the Republic, for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
And now for a moment of reflection
ALL Band members - your concert is in a week and a half. Take your instruments home today and practice your music.
6th Grade Band - Monday is a Band Day.
Happy Birthday
Today - Baylor Evans and Jace Thornton, Saturday - Lylah Atwood, Daphne Brown, Sophia Chestnut and Julia Powell
Bus Announcements
Bus #23 is a double route today.
Just a reminder that RIS double bus riders will go to the elementary campus to wait until their bus arrives.
Please remember to dress for the cold weather. Coats, hats and gloves are recommended! You will be going outside if the wind chill is above 20 degrees.
Today’s lunch menu includes:
No Lunch Today
Remember, “Rockets RISE Together” by demonstrating:
Important Dates
11/3 - Half Day - 11:15 Dismissal - No Lunch Served
11/22 - 11-24 - No School - Thanksgiving Break
Picture Retake order code
The website is- INTER-STATE.COM/ORDER. Please use 80121M for the order code. This order is to be used for retake pictures only.
Our RIS Veteran's Day Assembly will take place on Friday November 10th at 1:30pm in the RIS gym. If you are or have a veteran who is interested in attending this assembly, please fill out this form before Wednesday, November 8th.
RYAA Basketball
Registration for RYAA Basketball is now open to boys and girls in grades K-2, 3-4 and 5-6. Registration ends Nov. 15. Volunteer coaches are also needed to keep this program running.
Register at If you have questions, email
Transportation Changes
All transportation changes must be submitted to the office no later than 2:00pm. Please call the office at 217-498-6215 or email your changes to Mrs. Howie at or Mrs. Lovett at Any request for transportation changes past 2:00 pm cannot be accepted. Thank you for your cooperation!
Parent Pick-up:
For parent pick-up at the end of the day, we prefer the line system. All parents should remain in their vehicles and follow the pick-up line around and to the front of the building. You may also choose to park in the spots in the parking lot. It is our preference that you use the line system, however if you choose to park, please come to the front of the building and escort your student to the vehicle safely. Under no circumstances should students be walking across the parking lot unescorted. Thank you for your help with this!
Lunch Balances
The low lunch balance alerts have been reactivated for all families. You will get an alert when your lunch balance is below $5.00. If you choose to shut off the alert, you will no longer get any school announcements.