Good Morning Rochester Intermediate School Students and Staff!
Today is Monday, November 8, 2021
Please stand for the Pledge:
I pledge allegiance, to the flag, of the United States of America, and to the Republic, for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
And now for a moment of reflection
Happy birthday today to…
No birthdays today
•Pastry Fundraiser Forms and Money are due TOMORROW (Tuesday). Please turn into Mrs. Parker or Mr. McCafferty.
RIS Bands and Fifth Grade Chorus’s Fall Concert will be held Wednesday at 4:30 PM at the Fine Arts Auditorium. More information is posted on the student's Canvas pages.
Sixth Grade Swing Choir:
Monday: Cinderella skit only 3:10-5:00 PM
Tuesday: Celtic Dance only 3:10-5:00 PM
Today’s lunch menu includes…
Chicken Tacos
Chicken Patty
Chicken Nuggets
Cheese and Pepperoni Pizza
Beefy Nachos
Please remember to be respectful, be responsible, and be safe and choose to make today great!
11/12/21 - School Improvement Day (Dismiss at 12:15)
11/24/21-11/26/21 - NO SCHOOL (Thanksgiving Break)
From the Nurse
SAVE THE DATE! The Rochester School District has partnered with the Illinois Department of Public Health to offer COVID vaccinations for children ages 5-11 years old. The COVID vaccination clinic is scheduled for 11/20 and 12/11 from 9am-12pm. Watch for more information to come.
Here is additional information regarding COVID vaccinations from the Illinois American Academy of Pediatrics.
Round #3 Playoff Information
Rockets will face Freeburg on Saturday, November 13 at 4:00 at Rocket Stadium. ALL TICKETS HAVE TO BE PURCHASED ONLINE. Please click this link ONLINE FOOTBALL TICKETS to purchase your tickets. Gates will open at 2:30. If you have any questions please contact Angie Butler at 217-498-9761 ext. 3166 or
•Pastry Fundraiser Forms and Money are due TOMORROW (Tuesday). Please turn into Mrs. Parker or Mr. McCafferty…
RIS Bands and Fifth Grade Chorus’s Fall Concert will be held Wednesday at 4:30 PM at the Fine Arts Auditorium. More information is posted on the student's Canvas pages.
Sixth Grade Swing Choir:
M: Cinderella skit only 3:10-5:00 PM
T: Celtic Dance only 3:10-5:00 PM
W: No Rehearsal - Fall Concert
Th: All who are available 3:15-5:00 PM
F: No Rehearsal- Early Dismissal
Volleyball is just around the corner!
All participants MUST be registered on the RSchool App AND have an updated sports physical on file with the school. Athletes may NOT tryout unless both items are completed.
6th Grade Parent Meeting will be Monday, December 6- 5:30-6pm in the junior high school cafeteria.
7th/8th Grade Parent Meeting will be Monday, December 6th- 6:00pm-6:30pm in the junior high school cafeteria.
One parent/guardian must attend the parent meeting (athletes do not have to attend).
6th Grade Tryouts will be:
Thursday, December 9 3:30-5:00pm @ RIS
Friday, December 10 3:30-5:00pm @ RIS
7th/8th Grade Tryouts will be:
Wednesday, December 15 3:30-5:00pm @ RJHS
Thursday, December 16 5:00-6:30pm @ RIS
*7th and 8th grade tryouts will be tentative, and changed based on the JH Girls basketball season. Any updates will be sent out!
If you have any questions, please contact Megan Hawkins at or (217) 498-9761 ext. 3117
The RIS Fall Music Concert will be held Wednesday November 10th at 4:30 at the Rochester Fine Arts Auditorium. The concert will feature our Fifth Grade Beginning Band, Sixth Grade Concert Band and Fifth Grade Chorus.
The Sixth Grade Swing Choir will NOT be performing at this concert - their “Medieval Times” production will be held at 4:30 PM on December 16th at the Rochester Fine Arts Auditorium!
SWING FLAG CAMP - Come join our high school flag squad for their annual fundraiser Swing Flag Camp. 2nd - 8th grade girls can participate. Registration deadline is November 5th. Performance on Tuesday, November 16 during the girls basketball game. Click the attached FLYER for more details and registration information.
Registration for the 2021-2022 RYAA basketball season is open!
Leagues for kindergarten through 6th grade boys and girls will be held in school gymnasiums this winter. Practices will begin in early December with games starting in early January. Please visit to register.
Rocket Color Blast 5k Junior Prom Fundraiser
Late Registration:
If you would like to participate in the Rocket Color Blast 5k but missed the sign up you still can!
Please bring $20 (exact change or check --made out to RHS Junior Class) to the 5k event this Sunday, November 7th at the Rochester Community Park on the JFL Football Fields.
Late Registration will get you into the race and color blasted -- Tshirt's NOT included so please wear your own white shirt!
Late Registration will open at 12pm with Race starting at 1pm.
Any questions please contact Alex Wagner ( or Sam Gumble (
Let's have a Blast Rockets!
Hazel Health
We want to make sure every student has the option to access our student health services from day one. Be sure to take part in our Consent for Care Drive by signing the form at If you have already completed the form, thank you!
Why sign up?
When students are not feeling well, they often miss more school when they can’t see a doctor. We are making doctor visits available to all students through Hazel, so they can receive medical care and return to learning faster. Wondering whether your child has allergies or a potential flu? Your child says they have a headache that just won’t go away, and you’re not sure whether it’s serious? Will you need to leave work to drop off medicine at school?
Hazel can help by providing HIPAA-compliant video doctor visits through your school nurse’s office or from home. Hazel is a trusted resource for extended student health services, including:
Medical treatment: For stomach aches, headaches, sprained ankles, asthma concerns, and everything in between
Medication: Prescriptions written or over-the-counter provided at school when needed
Coordination: With family physician and school
Sign the form at this link now to be prepared for student health this school year:
Parents who are unable to sign the form today can still sign up at any time during the school year. We encourage you to do this early, so you are prepared for student health this year.