Wednesday, August 16, 2023
Good Morning Students, Parents and Staff!
Follow us on Twitter @RJHS78
Welcome Back
Hope you had a great Summer!
Looking Ahead
8/21 School Pictures
8/29 Fire Drill
8/30 Bus Evacuation Drill
8/31 Lockdown Drill with RPD
9/4 No School - Labor Day
Double Bus Routes 8-16-23
To be Announced Later Today
*Any transportation changes need to be made before 12:00, so we can get students where they need to go.
“Here Comes the Bus” App
If your student rides the bus to and from school, you will want to get this App to help you know where the bus is. When you download the App on your phone you will need the school code: 29950
School Pictures
School pictures will be Monday August 21st during PE classes. To order your pictures you will need to go to the Interstate Studios website at and use code 80118MB or 80118MF . Here is a Link to the website.
Basketball Open Gyms
The open gyms will be held at the RAC every Wednesday from 6-7 pm for 3rd thru 8th graders and 7-8:30 for 9th grade and up.
Few reminders about RJHS:
Arrival/Dismissal/Lunch Times
Doors open at 7:30 a.m. Students may enter in the cafeteria/gym doors in the front of the building (bus riders) or on the RJHS side of the auditorium (car riders)
Students arriving prior to 7:45 a.m. need to report to the cafeteria
At 7:45, students may go to lockers, classrooms, or walk in the hallway. Students may NOT be in the high school.
All students should be in class, ready to learn at 8:05 a.m.
All students are dismissed at 3:05. Bus riders should exit from the front of the building. Car riders should exit from the back of the building.
All RJHS students have lunch from 12:22 - 12:52 daily.
Dress Code – Dress for Success
Rochester Junior High School is committed to preparing students for the next steps in their lives such as high school, college, career, and postsecondary life success. Part of navigating the world is understanding the importance of context. Choosing the right attire for different contexts is an important life skill. Clothing shall not be of a style nor shall it contain words or depictions that create a clear and present likelihood that it will cause a material and substantial disruption of the proper and orderly operation and discipline of the school or school activities. Words or messages that are so offensive to any individual or group as to create an immediate reaction disruptive to the orderly operation of the school or school activities are prohibited. The “Dress for Success Norms” encourage students to keep their focus on learning, maintaining age-appropriate expectations, and providing an environment that allows students to feel comfortable and to express their individuality appropriately. Rochester staff have taken great strides to ensure that these straightforward Dress for Success Norms apply equally to both male and to female students. We strive to enforce these rules respectfully and without judgment.
● All students must follow these norms at school and all school-sponsored events. This includes, but is not limited to, school activities, field trips, and school-sponsored afterschool programs.
● Students should dress appropriately for school, wearing clothing that is well-suited for a school environment.
● Clothing will completely cover the torso (the bottom of the shirt should meet the top of the pants).
● The front and back of a shirt (or top of any kind) must be connected by fabric over both shoulders
● Clothing must cover all undergarments.
● Clothing, accessories, and visible tattoos that display or promote negative messages are not permitted. These could include, but are not limited to, illegal or prescription drugs, gangs, weapons, alcohol, or tobacco-related information, obscenities, putdowns, stereotypes, sexual innuendo, plainly offensive subject material, or disruptive activities.
● Safety is paramount. Footwear (sneakers, boots, sandals, etc.) must be worn at all times. State law specifies that safety glasses must be worn in shops and labs when working with machinery and/or chemicals. Pierced jewelry that presents a safety hazard, spiked apparel, spike accessories, animal collars, or chains that can be used as weapons are prohibited.
When a student’s outfit does not meet the Dress for Success Norms, he or she will be asked politely to address the issue. This can be done in whatever way the student feels works best for him or her. Options include, but are not limited to, the following:
● Adjusting the fit of the clothing (if possible to do so and meet the guidelines)
● Putting on something else that is already at school (PE uniform, jacket, etc.)
● Calling home and requesting a change of clothes
Rochester staff will address noncompliance with the Dress for Success Norms in a respectful and professional manner; our intent is not to shame individual students for their wardrobe choices. We would expect that no student should need to be asked more than twice, in one year, to adjust their attire to meet the norms. Having to ask more than twice becomes an issue of disrespect rather than an issue about dress.
A student’s appearance, including dress and hygiene, must not disrupt the educational process or compromise standards of health and safety. The school does not prohibit hairstyles historically associated with race, ethnicity, or hair texture, including, but not limited to, protective hairstyles such as braids, locks, and twists. Students who disrupt the educational process or compromise standards of health and safety must modify their appearance.
We appreciate parent and student cooperation in our efforts to make our Dress for Success Norms and their enforcement fair, balanced, and gender-neutral.
Safe2Help is a 24/7 program for students, staff, and families to share school safety issues, find resources to get help, and find encouragement to help others. Anyone can call to talk to a trained staff member about abuse, bullying, depression, self-injury, or suicidal thoughts for themselves or other students. You can access Safe2Help by calling 844-4-SAFEIL, texting SAFE2(72332), or emailing
Rocket Line - Hot Dog
Corner Crust Pizza - Buffalo Chicken
Custom Bros Grill - Bosco Sticks
Rocket Line - Donut Holes & Sausage
Corner Crust Pizza - Hawaiian
Custom Bros Grill - Bacon Cheeseburger