Thursday, October 19, 2023

Good Morning Students, Parents and Staff!


Follow us on Twitter @RJHS78

Looking Ahead

11/1  Parent Teacher Conferences 8:00am-6:00pm (No student attendance)

11/3 11:15 Dismissal - SIP Day

11/17 Midterm 2nd Quarter

12/22 End of 2nd Quarter - 11:15 Dismissal

Transportation Information

Double Routes: 23/26 & 20/3

PM Dismissal Information

*Any transportation changes need to be made before 12:00, so we can get students where they need to go. 


“Here Comes the Bus” App

If your student rides the bus to and from school, you will want to get this App to help you know where the bus is.  When you download the App on your phone you will need the school code: 29950

Veteran’s Day Assembly

RHS and RJHS are having an assembly to honor our veterans on Friday November 10, 2013. Please fill out the attached form for the assembly. You can also bring your veteran to the celebration, just include their information on the form when you fill it out.  

Veteran’s Day Form

Rocket Wear Band/Choir Fundraiser

The Rochester Music Department is hosting an apparel sale. This sale includes both band and choir options as well as ’School of Music’ and ‘Fine Arts Department’ shirts. Items come in various styles and both adult and youth sizes are available on most designs. Orders will be open until November 3. Items are expected to be completed in plenty of time for holiday gift-giving. Please select 'LOCAL Pick Up' at check out to avoid delivery fees. 


CANCELED - Halloween Color Blast 5k: 

We regret to inform you that the Junior Class Halloween Color Blast 5k Fundraiser, initially planned to take place on Sunday, October 29th has been canceled. Because of low interest numbers we will be canceling this event and refunding all those that did register. 

Please direct any questions or concerns to Junior Class Co-Sponsors Alexandra Gunter (agunter@rochester3.net) or Olivia Seitz (oseitz@rochester3a.net)

Picture Retakes 

If you already received a picture packet and did not bring that packet back with you when you got your retakes, please bring your packet to the office by Friday.  The office will send them off to Inter-State to switch out.  

If you need to order new picture packets with the retake pictures, the codes are 80118HB or 80118HT.  Inter-State Studios

Parent Teacher Conferences - Sign-up is open in Skyward

Parent/Teacher Conferences will be held for RJHS on Wednesday, October 11th from 3:30pm-8:30pm and Wednesday, November 1st from 8:00am - 6:00pm. Conferences will be held virtually  (if requested) or in person this fall. Parents should use their Skyward Family Access to schedule a 15-minute appointment with their student’s teachers that they would like to visit with about their student.  

If you requested a virtual conference(s), parents will be sent a link by the teacher for any virtual meeting via their email. Directions on how to schedule a conference can be found here. If you have any questions, please contact Christie Jones at 217-498-9761, Ext. 1002 or cjones@rochester3a.net.  

If you missed the October conferences, you still have the opportunity to meet with teachers on November 1st.  Sign up for these conferences will close on October 31 at 4pm.

Rochester license plate covers for sale

RJHS is selling license plate covers.  You can purchase them at Cocoa Blue and the RJHS office.  Depending on who is available to sell, they might be at various sporting events.  The plate covers are $10 a piece.  


Safe2Help is a 24/7 program for students, staff, and families to share school safety issues, find resources to get help, and find encouragement to help others.  Anyone can call to talk to a trained staff member about abuse, bullying, depression, self-injury, or suicidal thoughts for themselves or other students.  You can access Safe2Help by calling 844-4-SAFEIL, texting SAFE2(72332), or emailing help@safe2helpIL.com.


October Menu



Rocket Line - Donut Holes & Sausage

Corner Crust Pizza - Hawaiian

Custom Bros Grill - Bacon Cheeseburger


Rocket Line - Grilled Cheese & Tomato Soup

Corner Crust Pizza - Chicken Bacon Ranch

Custom Bros Grill - Corn Dog