Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Good Morning Students, Parents and Staff!

Follow us on Twitter @RJHS78 

Have a Great Summer Break!!

Looking Ahead

5/28 - Early Dismissal - 11:15 Dismissal - Last Day of School - TODAY

23-24 Yearbooks

We have a few extra yearbooks in case someone forgot to order one this year.  Please check with Mrs. Jones in the office. cjones@rochester3a.net

Double Routes 5-28-24

Bus #11

Bus #14

*All transportation questions need to be directed to the Bus Garage (217)498-9834

RJHS Softball 2024 Season Information

Any current 5th - 7th girl interested in Softball please see links below:

RJHS 2024 Softball Information

RJHS 2024 Softball Calendar

Artwork pick up

Please make sure that you stop by Mrs. Bell’s room to pick up your artwork.

Current 8th graders interested in the RHS Play this Fall

Legally Blonde Audition Workshops: June 20th from 5:00-8:00 and July 21st from 3:00-6:00 in the High School Auditorium.

Completely optional for those interested in auditioning. We will cover audition choreography, vocal selections, and audition paperwork. 

Those interested can RSVP here https://forms.gle/f82SLbhqTRzXqiaj7

For questions please contact Ms. Geyston sygeyston@rochester3a.net

RHS Girls Golf Meeting

Any 9th - 12th grade girl interested in playing golf next year, there is a meeting on June 3, 2024 6:00pm at RHS.  For any questions please contact Coach Boulanger  at mboulanger@rochester3a.net

30th Annual Rocket Football Golf Outing May 31st~

We will be hosting the 30th annual Rocket Football Golf Outing 

@ Lincoln Greens Golf Course May 31st! For more information on golfing, sponsorships and silent auction action during this event, Head over to rocketgolfouting.com or email rhsrocketfootball@gmail.com

Basketball Open Gyms

Open gyms will be every Wednesday and will run through October.  The open gyms will be held in the RAC from 6:00-7:00 p.m. for anyone in 3rd through 8th grade and 7:00- 8:30 p.m. for high school students and up. 


Safe2Help is a 24/7 program for students, staff, and families to share school safety issues, find resources to get help, and find encouragement to help others.  Anyone can call to talk to a trained staff member about abuse, bullying, depression, self-injury, or suicidal thoughts for themselves or other students.  You can access Safe2Help by calling 844-4-SAFEIL, texting SAFE2(72332), or emailing help@safe2helpIL.com.