Friday, February 7, 2025
Good Morning Students, Parents and Staff!
Follow us on Twitter @RJHS78
Looking Ahead
2/14 11:15 Dismissal
2/14 RJHS Valentine’s Day Dance 6pm-8pm
2/17 No School - Presidents Day
3/14 End of 3rd Quarter
3/24 - 3/28 No School -Spring Break
4/11 Midterm 4th Quarter
4/18 Early Dismissal 11:15
4/21 No School
Double Routes 2-7-25
Bus N (Late)
Bus O
*All transportation questions need to be directed to the Bus Garage (217)498-9834
RJHS Valentine’s Dance
RJHS is having a Valentine’s Day Dance Friday, February 14th 6-8pm. Cost is $10.00 at the door. Only RJHS students are allowed at the dance.
The PTO is looking for help either volunteering or snacks. Please see the link below for information
RJHS Track
The JH Boys and Girls Track teams will have their informational parent meeting on Tuesday, February 25 at 5 pm in the JH Gym/Cafeteria. Please reach out to Coach Johnson (Girls) or Coach Nelson (Boys) for any questions or concerns.
Girls preseason workouts will run from 3:20-4:20 on the following dates:
8th grade girls: 2/20 and 2/25
7th grade girls: 2/26
6th grade girls (at RIS) 2/27
RJHS Yearbook Orders
It is that time of year again. $22 for a softcover 24-25 RJHS Yearbook.
Inter-State Studios Order Code: 91544J
Pay online or the RJHS office
Orders Due Friday March 7, 2025
Rochester Soccer Blankets
There are extra blankets available for purchase. Payment is due at pick up. $75 with cash or checks made out to RHS Girls Soccer. These blankets are large and warm.....perfect for those Spring and Fall seasons or just curling up on the couch. Reserve one now at:
Attendance Reminder - Winter is here!
Dr./Dentist/Ortho. Notes
Make sure that you are calling your student out on days they are sick or have a doctor appointment. This way the office does not have to call you later to check in or they can have your child ready for early pick up.
Make sure that Doctor’s notes are being brought to the Jr High office after the appointment or if your student has been sick. That note will change that absence in Skyward from a parent excuse - AE to a doctor excuse - AD. Remember that students get 10 parent excused absences (AE) in a school year. After 10 they will be considered unexcused (UU). You can have your student bring in the note to the office or you can email the note to .
Mental Health Days: you are allowed 5 mental health days in a school year, but those are also part of your 10 excused absences (AE) that were mentioned above. If 10 absences have been taken, all absences going forward will be marked as unexcused unless there is a doctor’s note for that day.
Please call 217-498-9761 ext. 41002 or email to report absences
Tardy Bell 8:05
We have had a number of students coming in late to school. They need to be in their classrooms ready to learn when the bell rings at 8:05. They will be marked Tardy-Unexcused if they are coming in after the bell. Parents please drop off your student with ample time for them to get to class before the bell rings at 8:05. Double route buses do not count towards tardiness.
Show your RJHS Spirit on your car
Show Your Team Spirit with Rochester Rockets License Plate Covers!
Are you a true Rochester Rockets fan? Now you can show your support wherever you go with our exclusive Rochester Rockets License Plate Covers!
Where to Buy:
Rochester Junior High Front Office
Cocoa Blue Chocolates in Rochester
Cost: $10.00 each, cash only
Safe2Help is a 24/7 program for students, staff, and families to share school safety issues, find resources to get help, and find encouragement to help others. Anyone can call to talk to a trained staff member about abuse, bullying, depression, self-injury, or suicidal thoughts for themselves or other students. You can access Safe2Help by calling 844-4-SAFEIL, texting SAFE2(72332), or emailing
Rocket Line - Popcorn Chicken Bowl
Corner Crust Pizza - Fiestadas & Individual Pizzas
Custom Bros Grill - Mozzarella Sticks
Rocket Line - Pasta Bar
Corner Crust Pizza - Homemade Flatbread Pizza
Custom Bros Grill - Egg Rolls