Tuesday, March 15, 2022
Good Morning Students, Parents and Staff!
Follow us on Twitter @RJHS78
*Remember to bring a water bottle every day
Looking Ahead
*March 21-25 - Spring Break
*April 8 - 12:15 Dismissal
New Band Apparel for sale
The Band Boosters are offering a Spring Apparel Sale of Rochester Band apparel. Check out the new designs! This sale runs from March 15-30 simply to help promote the Rochester Band Organization. (not a fundraiser) Pick up will be at Rochester High School on the evening of April 11. Place your orders here: https://www.impressionsdesignco.com/rochester-marching-band-1 .
RHS Cheerleading 22-23 Tryouts
The 22-23 Rochester High School Cheerleading Tryouts will be held on March 29th, 30th & April 1st. Anyone interested in going out for the team should email Coach Wagner at awagner@rochester3a.net BY Friday, March 18th. There is also a Mandatory Parent meeting for anyone interested in trying out for the team on Monday, March 28th at 5:30pm via Google Meet. A link will be sent out closer to the parent meeting date. Check the Orange & Blue Flyers posted around the school for more details! Contact Coach Wagner with any questions at awagner@rochester3a.net
Pick - ups
If you need to pick up your Jr High student during the school day please contact Mrs. Jones in the office at 217-498-9761 ext. 1002 or cjones@rochester3a.net prior to pick up.
**You may now come into the building to pick up your student. When you come into the office, you will sign them out of the building.
Football Moms 2022-2023
First Football Moms Meeting for the 2022-23 Season will be on Wednesday, March 16th at the Blue Ridge Club. We are inviting all parents of incoming freshmen, current players, and interested players, for a Meet and Greet prior to the meeting at 6P. If you have a child that is interested in joining the program and you have questions, or would like to learn more, please join us on Wednesday, March 16th at the Blue Ridge Club. If you have any questions, you can contact Lyn Young at 217-415-9700 or lyn@greenegablesinn.com, Rachel Ramsey at 217-725-0415 or ramz98@comcast.com, or Stacia Munroe at 217-899-8050 or tslmunroe@gmail.com.
Summer Work for students at Rochester
Rochester School District is seeking Student Workers for a Summer Work Program. Students must commit to working throughout one entire session.
Session 1: June 6, 2022-July 1, 2022 from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Monday through Friday
Session 2: July 11, 2022-August 5, 2022 from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Monday through Friday
Student-workers should apply at Student Application for Summer Work 2022. Students must be able to obtain a work permit if they are under 16 the first day of the session. Students must be enrolled at the junior high or high school to attend.
RYAA Baseball/Softball
-T- Ball (Ages 4-6)
- 8U (Ages 7-8) Grades 1-2
-10U (Ages 9-10) Grades 3-4
-12U (Ages 11-12) Grades 5-6
-14U (Ages 13-14) Grades 7-8
* Players age as of May 1, 2022
Practices will start Mid-April with games beginning Mid-May thru the end of June. RYAA click here to register today. Please contact baseball@ryaasports.org with any questions.
Remote Instruction is provided only to those students who are under quarantine.
If your child is under quarantine, please have them email their teachers to set up google meets and also check on Canvas to see what the teachers have put on there for work.
Note from nurse
If you are not feeling well please go to the nurse’s office. From there we can arrange for your parents to pick you up.
Up to date Vaccination Records
Please make sure that the school nurse has your up-to-date vaccination records.
Shield Testing
Consent Link
Safe2Help is a 24/7 program for students, staff, and families to share school safety issues, find resources to get help, and find encouragement to help others. Anyone can call to talk to a trained staff member about abuse, bullying, depression, self-injury, or suicidal thoughts for themselves or other students. You can access Safe2Help by calling 844-4-SAFEIL, texting SAFE2(72332), or emailing help@safe2helpIL.com.
Hazel Heath
We’re launching our health services program for this school year, and we want to make sure your family has access to these services all year long. Our district is hosting a Consent for Care Drive to ensure 100% of families learn about our student health services from Hazel Health. With Hazel, students can immediately speak with a Hazel doctor right from school or at home.
On-demand health services include:
Medical treatment: For stomach aches, headaches, sprained ankles, asthma concerns, and everything in between
Medication: Prescriptions written or over-the-counter provided at school when needed
Coordination: With family physician and return to school communications
Parents - Please sign the Consent for Care form to ensure your child has access to these services: my.hazel.co/rochester3a
If you have already completed the form, thank you! You can help us reach 100% of families this week by reminding your fellow Rochester CUSD 3A families to opt-in to this service during our drive.
Few reminders about RJHS:
The doors at RJHS open at 7:30.
The tardy bell rings at 8:05 which means that students should be in class, ready to learn by 8:05.
School is dismissed at 3:05.
Lunch is 12:22 - 12:52
Students should bring a plastic water bottle (with a lid). Water fountains are not available, although we do have bottle filling stations.
Parent drop-off & pick-up is on the NORTH side of the building, near the auditorium doors (across the parking lot from the football field). Buses will drop-off & pick-up on the SOUTH side (route 29 side) of the building.
Please make sure your student's chromebook is charged and ready to go tomorrow morning!
Student phones should be turned off and out of sight during the school day, although students are allowed to use them at lunch time. Airpods/earbuds/headphones are only to be used in class when directed by the teacher such as when students are independently watching videos for instruction.
Students should report directly to their first period (Learning Lab) class upon arrival.
Lockers will only be used before school, at lunch time, and after school.
Lunch Menu:
Rocket Line - Chicken & Noodles
Corner Crust Pizza - Meat Lover’s Pizza
Custom Bros Grill - Curly Fries
Salad Bar - Taco
Rocket Line - Popcorn Chicken Bowl
Corner Crust Pizza - BBQ Chicken Sriracha
Custom Bros Grill - Bosco Sticks
Salad Bar - Fried Chicken