Thursday, October 13, 2022

Good Morning Students, Parents and Staff!


Follow us on Twitter @RJHS78


Looking Ahead:


10/14 End of 1st Quarter

10/18 - RJHS/RHS Choral Concert

10/20 Term 1 grades posted after 3pm

10/20 - Leadership Conference 

10/20 - Honor Band at GMS

10/28 - Into the Woods school preview

10/29 - Into the Woods - 7:00 p.m.

10/30 - Into the Woods - 2:00 p.m.

Parent Teacher Conferences 

The portal is open to sign up for the final parent teacher conference in November.

The last Parent/Teacher Conference will be held for RJHS on Wednesday, November 2 from 3:30 - 8:30 p.m. Conferences will be held virtually or in person (if requested) this fall. Parents should use their Skyward Family Access to schedule a 15-minute appointment with their student’s teachers that they would like to visit with about their student.  

After scheduling your conference(s), parents will be sent a link by the teacher for each meeting via their email. Directions on how to schedule a conference can be found here. If you have any questions, please contact Christie Jones at 217-498-9761, Ext. 1002 or cjones@rochester3a.net.  

Choir Concert

Come hear the choirs sing at the Fall Choral Concert Tuesday, October 18, 2022 in the Fine Arts Auditorium.  The Junior High Concert begins at 6 p.m. and features the 7th Grade Chorus, 8th Grade Chorus, Jr. High Jazz Choir, and Combined Choirs.  There will also be a preview from the cast of the Jr. High Musical INTO THE WOODS, JR.  The Senior High Concert begins at 7:30 p.m. and features the Concert Choir and Madrigals.  The concert will conclude with the announcement of the Spring musical.  There is a $1 general admission charge.  Come out and support the Rochester Choral Music Department.


RJHS Rocket Gear - Annual PTO Fundraiser 

The Rochester Junior High is having their annual fundraiser.  They will be selling Rocket apparel click the link below to order.



Rocket Football Food Drive 

Rocket Food Drive ~ Team up with the Rockets and 1450 for the annual Stuff the Trailer Food Drive.  Join us in collection items Oct 14-21st




RJHS Boys Basketball

We are excited to announce that 7th and 8th-grade boys’ basketball tryouts will be held on Monday, October 17, and Tuesday, October 18 from 5:00 -7:00 in the junior high gym. All students interested in trying out for the team must have a current physical on file with the school and be registered for Boys Basketball 7th-8th on Rschool. If you have questions regarding basketball, please contact Coach Spencer at jspencer@rochester3a.net. If you have questions about physicals or Rschool registration, please contact Sara Powless at spowless@rochester3a.net


Double Bus Routes 10-13-22

RJHS riders for Bus #7 & #19 need to wait in the HS/JH cafeteria until your bus comes to pick you up and take you home.

Bus #7 - Ran by Bus #15 PM

Bus #19 - Ran by Bus #2 PM

*Any transportation changes need to be made before 2:00, so we can get students where they need to go. 



Lunch Notifications

The low lunch balance alerts have been reactivated for all families.  You will get an alert when your lunch balance is below $5.00.  If you choose to shut off the alert, you will no longer receive messages from Skyward or Thrillshare.



Lunch Menu:

October Menu



Rocket Line - French Toast Sticks w/ Cheese Omelet

Corner Crust Pizza - Meatball Pizza

Custom Bros Grill - Bacon Cheeseburger

Salad Bar - Cobb



Rocket Line - Chicken Enchilada

Corner Crust Pizza - Buffalo Chicken

Custom Bros Grill - Mini Corn Dogs

Salad Bar - Chef